In July 2021, heavy rainfall and flooding in western Europe caused the costliest weather disaster in European history. In IDEA, we study key atmospheric dynamical characteristics
By providing a new method of extreme value estimation and improving radar products, KNMI is involved in an Interreg project to help being better prepared for future flood events.
An Ice Sheet Model (ISM) will be coupled to EC-Earth
The goal of this research project is to improve nowcasting and probabilistic forecasting of clouds and precipitation in the weather model Harmonie, which is operational at KNMI in ensemble mode.
We aim to better understand future changes in climate variability and extremes in Europe, and will contribute to the climate knowledge used in the KNMI climate scenarios.
Society is strongly affected by extreme weather events and it is expected that this will become more noticeable in the future.
Improvement of sub-seasonal probabilistic forecasts of European high-impact weather events using machine learning techniques
Cloud Representation, IMprovement and Evaluation in the HARMONIE model
An improved turbulence scheme for Harmonie-Arome
Development of Global Reactive Gases Aspects for the Copernicus Atmospere Monitoring Service
Integrated modelling of anthropogenic emissions, climate change and policy relevant impacts
Coordinated Research in Earth Systems and Climate: Experiments, kNowledge, Dissemination and Outreach
Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6
World Weather Attribution / Climate and Development Knowledge Network
Near-future Arctic climate change and its impact on the Netherlands and on Dutch policy
Translating Weather Extremes into the Future – a case for Norway
Process-based climate sIMulation: AdVances in high-resolution modelling and European climate Risk Assessment
Geodata for upgrading smallholders’ farming systems in Indonesia
Generator of Rainfall And Discharge Extremes
Moist observations in HARMONIE 4DVAR and diagnosis of its performance (MSO project)
Improved use of high-resolution observations (MSO project)
Validating recently-developed twenty-first century regional sea level projections using satellite observations
Impacted by coincident weather extremes: How clustered and compound extreme weather events imprint on our society now and in the future
Exploring spatial and temporal dependencies of rainfall extremes to enable adaptation in The Netherlands delta