Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. HETEAC – the Hybrid End-To-End Aerosol Classification model for EarthCARE

    The Hybrid End-To-End Aerosol Classification (HETEAC) model for the Earth Clouds, Aerosols and Ra...

    Wandinger, U., Floutsi, A. A., Baars, H., Haarig, M., Ansmann, A., Hünerbein, A., Docter, N., Donovan, D., van Zadelhoff, G.-J., Mason, S., and Cole, J | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2023 | 16
  2. The classification of atmospheric hydrometeors and aerosols from the EarthCARE radar and lidar: the A-TC, C-TC and AC-TC products

    The EarthCARE mission aims to probe the Earth's atmosphere by measuring cloud and aerosol profile...

    Irbah, A., Delanoë, J., van Zadelhoff, G.-J., Donovan, D. P., Kollias, P., Puigdomènech Treserras, B., Mason, S., Hogan, R. J., and Tatarevic, A | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2023 | 16
  3. Global predictability of temperature extremes

    Coughlan de Perez, Aalst, Bischiniotis, Mason, Nissan, Pappenberger, Stephens, Zsoter, Hurk | accepted | Environmental Research Letters | 2018
  4. Should seasonal forecasts be used for flood preparedness?

    Should seasonal forecasts be used for flood preparedness? Erin Coughlan de Perez, Elisabeth Step...

    E Coughlan de Perez, E Stephens, K Bischiniotis, M van Aalst, BJJM van den Hurk, S Mason, H Nissan, F Pappenberger | accepted | Hydrology and Earth System Sciences | 2017 | 21
  5. Action-based flood forecasting for triggering humanitarian action

    Too often, credible scientific early warning information of increased disaster risk does not resu...

    E Coughlan de Perez, BJJM van den Hurk, MK van Aalst, I Amuron, D Bamanya, T Hauser, B Jongman, A Lopez, S Mason, J Mendler de Suarez, F Pappenberger, A Rueth, E Stephens, P Suarez, J Wagemaker | published | Hydrology and Earth System Sciences | 2016
  6. ESMValTool (v1.0) - a community diagnostic and performance metrics tool for routine evaluation of Earth System Models in CMIP

    A community diagnostics and performance metrics tool for the evaluation of Earth System Models (E...

    V. Eyring, M. Righi, M. Evaldsson, A. Lauer, S. Wenzel, C. Jones, A. Anav, O. Andrews, I. Cionni, E.L. Davin, C. Deser, C. Ehbrecht, P. Friedlingstein, P. Gleckler, K.-D. Gottschaldt, S. Hagemann, M. Juckes, S. Kindermann, J. Krasting, D. Kunert, R. Levine, A. Loew, J. Mäkelä, G. Martin, E. Mason, A. Phillips, S. Read, C. Rio, R. Roehrig, D. Senftleben, A. Sterl, L.H. van Ulft, J. Walton, S. Wang, and K.D. Williams. | published | Geosci. Mod. Dev. Discussions | 2015 | 8
  7. The ERA-40 Reanalysis

    ERA-40 is a re-analysis of meteorological observations from September 1957 to August 2002 produce...

    V. Eyring, M. Righi, M. Evaldsson, A. Lauer, S. Wenzel, C. Jones, A. Anav, O. Andrews, I. Cionni, E.L. Davin, C. Deser, C. Ehbrecht, P. Friedlingstein, P. Gleckler, K.-D. Gottschaldt, S. Hagemann, M. Juckes, S. Kindermann, J. Krasting, D. Kunert, R. Levine, A. Loew, J. Mäkelä, G. Martin, E. Mason, A. Phillips, S. Read, C. Rio, R. Roehrig, D. Senftleben, A. Sterl, L.H. van Ulft, J. Walton, S. Wang, and K.D. Williams | published | Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. | 2005 | 131