
Projects from the department of Satellite observations

  1. The contribution made by different sectors to the emissions of ammonia in 2011
    NH3view (MSO project)

    NH3: Towards a comprehensive view from space of ammonia emissions in the Netherlands (NH3view)

  2. Improved TROPOMI tropospheric NO2 column
    Next Generation TROPOMI NO2 (NO2NEXT - MSO project)

    Develop realistic high-resolution NO2 retrievals from TROPOMI.

  3. Methane flaring
    Methane Emissions (MSO project)

    Feasibility study for identifying regional methane sources from space.


    Satellite-based solar radiation nowcasting for the energy transition and UV warnings

  5. Visiting Scientist program – Satellite Observations department

    Visiting Scientist program at the KNMI R&D Satellite Observations department

  6. Aeolus
    Aeolus: Orbital Doppler Wind Lidar

    New sources of wind information for NWP

  7. C0 SP5
    Impact of Spaceborne Observations on Tropospheric Composition Analysis and Forecast (ISOTROP)

    The ISOTROP project, funded by ESA, estimates the impact of the European Copernicus Sentinel 4 and sentinel 5 & 5P satellite measurements of ozone, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde to quantify air pollution at high spatial resolution

  8. Fiig 1: Overview of the observational datasets used to evaluate the CAMS products (
    Validation of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS)

    A dedicated project to validate the CAMS forecast and reanalysis products on ozone and precursor trace gases, aerosols and greenhouse gases.

  9. Schematic representation of the KNMI NO2-sonde (source: Sluis et. al. 2010).
    The KNMI NO2-sonde

    A unique NO2-sensor that combines a high accuracy with a small size.

  10. CSS logo
    City-Sonde Science (CSS)

    Innovative air quality measurements from a bicycle basket

  11. MAXDOAS onboard the Ortelius for the SEES arctic campaign
    MAX-DOAS and Pandora

    Ground-based measurements of tropospheric NO2 for satellite validation

  12. frm4doas_logo

    Producing fully characterized and traceable reference measurements for independent validation of satellite measurements, using MAX-DOAS type instruments. (PI: BIRA, BE)

  13. Paramaribo observatory, located on the premises of the Meteorological Service of Surinam (MDS).
    Paramaribo Atmospheric Observatory

    A unique atmospheric observatory in the Tropics, where processes can be studied with large impact on global climate.

  14. Clear-sky UV index for Europe on 21 June 2016.
    UV index and UV dose from satellite observations

    Satellite observations of ozone are used to forecast the clear-sky UV index for today and the next few days, and in combination with MSG cloud data yesterday's UV dose is determined.

  15. Illustration of the GNSS-R concept (from ESA navipedia web page)
    Global Navigation Satellite System: Observation Operator Development and Impact Evaluation (GOODIE)

    New sources of wind information for NWP.

  16. Time series of assimilated ozon
    Ozone CCI

    New high-quality satellite data sets essential to assess the fate of atmospheric ozone and better understand anthropogenic impacts.

  17. multi-year mean FRESCO effective cloud fraction and cloud pressure maps from SCIAMACHY.

    Fast Retrieval Scheme for Clouds from Oxygen absorption bands

  18. TropOmi logo
    TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI)

    The TROPOMI instrument is the payload on the Copernicus Sentinel 5 Precursor, that measures trace gases, clouds and aerosols.

  19. CM-SAF figure

    Satellite-based climate data records of the energy and water cycle

  20. MSGCPP figure

    Near-real time and historic Meteosat cloud properties, surface radiation, and precipitation

  21. Cloud CCI figure

    Long-term satellite-based cloud property datasets

  22. Dragon NO2 map
    Dragon 4, Air quality over China

    Research into air quality in China in cooperation with Chinese and European partners

  23. MACC banner
    Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate (MACC)

    Pre-operational precursor service of the Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service

  24. Ozone figure
    Copernicus Climate Change service for Ozone (C3S-312a lot4)

    Long-term ozone data sets for climate studies

  25. MarcoPolo Logo

    A new emission inventory and ensemble forecast for East China.