The Paramaribo Atmospheric Observatory is one of only very few atmospheric observatories in the Tropics, where unique atmospheric processes are taking place that have large impact on weather and climate. Since the Paramaribo Observatory has been in operation since 1999, a substantial data record of various atmospheric parameters has been collected. This data record has proven invaluable for atmospheric research and is approaching lengths that enable detection of long-term changes, such as changes to the deep vertical motion in the tropical atmosphere, driving weather and climate changes in other far away regions of the globe.
Satellite data and climate models play a key role in the detection and monitoring of these changes, and in predicting their effect on global climate. Both satellite data and model data have to be thoroughly validated by ground measurements at strategic locations around the globe. Paramaribo Observatory is such a strategic location. The measurements can provide a deep understanding of atmospheric processes in the Tropics, which are important for global circulation and climate.
The Observatory is a Regional Station in the Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) system of the World Meteorological Organisation, a member of the Southern Hemispere ADditional OZonesondes (SHADOZ) network, and of the Network for Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC).