The ASTEX intercomparison case clearly reveals that the Harmonie turbulence scheme has too little top entrainment. Too little top entrainment can explain several deficiencies of Harmonie, such as the fog problem. At the same time results of Harmonie for the North Sea fog case turned out to be quite sensitive to the settings in the turbulence scheme. Based on these arguments the RACMO turbulence scheme, which performs much better in the ASTEX case including more top entrainment, was implemeted in HARMONIE. Here experiences with this turbulence scheme in Harmonie are described.
WC de Rooy, G Lenderink, EV van der Plas, J Barkmeijer. The fog above sea problem in Harmonie: Part II Experiences with the RACMO turbulence scheme
Journal: Aladin-Hirlam Newsletter, Year: 2014, First page: 59, Last page: 68