Coupling of waves with the atmosphere
VK Makin | Year: 1999
Wetenschappelijke publicatie
Coupling mechanisms
J Bye, VK Makin, A Jenkins, NE Huang | Year: 2001
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Operational applications (analysis and forecast)
L Cavaleri, G Burgers, H Gunther, VK Makin, L Zambresky | Year: 1994
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The physical model of the sea surface interrelating with the atmospheric boundary layer
VN Kudryavtsev, VK Makin | Year: 1999
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Development of ADM-Aeolus portable level 2B wind retrieval software
The development wilb be described of a portable Fortran90 processing software, to be used for Lev...
J de Kloe, A Stoffelen, K Houchi, GJ Marseille, E Andersson, P Poli, ML Denneulin, A Dabas, D Huber, O Reitebuch, P Flamant, O Le Rille, H Nett | Conference: EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference | Organisation: EUMETSAT | Place: Amsterdam | Year: 2007 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0
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