Fifteen years of ocean observations with the global Argo array
More than 90% of the heat energy accumulation in the climate system between 1971 and the present ...
Stephen C. Riser, Howard J. Freeland, Dean Roemmich, Susan Wijffels, Ariel Troisi, Mathieu Belbeoch, Denis Gilbert, Jianping Xu, Sylvie Pouliquen, Ann Thresher, Pierre-Yves Le Traon, Guillaume Maze, Birgit Klein, M. Ravichandran, Fiona Grant, Pierre-Marie Poulain, Toshio Suga, Byunghwan Lim, Andreas Sterl, Philip Sutton, Kjell-Arne Mork, Pedro Joaquín Vélez-Belchí, Isabelle Ansorge, Brian King, Jon Turton, Molly Baringer, and Steve Jayne | Status: published | Journal: Nature Climate Change | Volume: 6 | Year: 2016 | First page: 145 | Last page: 153 | doi: 10.1038/nclimate2872
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Earth System Model Evaluation Tool (ESMValTool) v2.0 – diagnostics for extreme events, regional and impact evaluation and analysis of Earth system models in CMIP
This paper complements a series of now four publications that document the release of the Earth S...
Weigel, K., Bock, L., Gier, B. K., Lauer, A., Righi, M., Schlund, M., Adeniyi, K., Andela, B., Arnone, E., Berg, P., Caron, L.-P., Cionni, I., Corti, S., Drost, N., Hunter, A., Lledó, L., Mohr, C. W., Paçal, A., Pérez-Zanón, N., Predoi, V., Sandstad, M., Sillmann, J., Sterl, A., Vegas-Regidor, J., von Hardenberg, J., and Eyring, V. | Journal: Geoscientificl Model Development | Volume: 14 | Year: 2021 | First page: 3159 | Last page: 3184 | doi: 10.5194/gmd-14-3159-2021
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Amateurweerstations voor operationele hoge resolutie regenkaarten
Automatische weerstations, verbonden met online platforms, kunnen grote hoeveelheden weerobservat...
Lotte de Vos, Hidde Leijnse, Aart Overeem, Remko Uijlenhoet | Journal: Stromingen | Volume: 26 | Year: 2020
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North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment
Assessment of past and future changes of North Sea climate. -
Contribution to chapters 3 and 6
M Quante (Ed.), F Colijn (Ed.), ...., A Sterl (Contrib. Author) | Year: 2016
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Identifying meteorological drivers of extreme impacts: an application to simulated crop yields
Compound weather events may lead to extreme impacts that can affect many aspects of society inclu...
J Vogel, P Rivoire, C Deidda, L Rahimi, CA Sauter, E Tschumi, K van der Wiel, T Zhang, J Zschleischler | Journal: Earth System Dynamics | Volume: 12 | Year: 2021 | First page: 151 | Last page: 172 | doi: 10.5194/esd-12-151-2021
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