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De eerste 6533 resultaten worden getoond

  1. Final Report of WP1 of the WTI2017-HB Wind Modelling project

    For the derivation of the Hydraulic Boundary Conditions (HBCs), information on extreme  winds ov...

    Peter Baas | Year: 2014 | Pages: 72

    Wetenschappelijke publicatie

  2. Projected drought severity changes in Southeast Asia under medium and extreme climate change

    The El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the main driver of seasonal conditions in the Southeas...

    Mugni Hadi Hariadi | Year: 2017 | Pages: 41

    Wetenschappelijke publicatie

  3. Cb-Tcu classification based on radar and satellite observations

    Cumulonimbus and towering cumulus clouds form a threat for save aviation conditions. Their  dete...

    J.P.J.M.M. de Valk and R.M. van Westrhenen | Year: 2015 | Pages: 84

    Wetenschappelijke publicatie

  4. Klimatologie van extreme windvlagen

    Voor de veiligheid van hoogbouw en windenergie is kennis van de windvlagen op grotere hoogte cruc...

    H.W. van den Brink, I.L. Wijnant, F.C. Bosveld en A. Stepek | Year: 2017 | Pages: 42

    Wetenschappelijke publicatie

  5. Improving satellite-based estimations of UV index and dose and first assessment of UV in a world-avoided

    The UV index (UVI) and dose (UVD) are quantities of UV irradiance weighted for its effect on org...

    Evert Wiegant | Year: 2016 | Pages: 65

    Wetenschappelijke publicatie