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De eerste 6533 resultaten worden getoond

  1. estimation of background error correlation functions

    The aim of this work is to find optimal error correlation functions that enable 2DVAR to arrive a...

    J Vogelzang, A Stoffelen | Year: 2014

    Wetenschappelijke publicatie

  2. Integrated observations and modelling of greenhouse gas budgets at the ecosystem level in the Netherlands

    Within the framework of the Bsik research programme Climate Changes Spatial Planning (CCSP) resea...

    E Moors, H Dolman, J Elbers, A Hensen, J Duyzer, P Kroon, E Veenendaal, K van Huissteden, FC Bosveld, C Jacobs, W Jans, P Kuikman, L Nol, C van Beek | Year: 2012

    Wetenschappelijke publicatie

  3. The impact of reflectivity correction and accounting for raindrop size distribution variability to improve precipitation estimation by weather radar for an extreme low-land mesoscale convective system

    Between 25 and 27 August 2010 a long-duration mesoscale convective system was observed above the ...

    P Hazenberg, H Leijnse, R Uijlenhoet | Status: published | Journal: J. Hydrol. | Volume: 519 | Year: 2014 | First page: 3410 | Last page: 3425 | doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.09.057

    Wetenschappelijke publicatie

  4. An assesment of the potential for atmospheric verification emission in the Netherlands

    The Climate Changes Spatial Planning (CcSP) project ME02: Integrated observations and modelling o...

    RWA Hutjes, A Apituley, FC Bosveld, AJ Dolman, S Houweling, H Klein Baltink, AGCA Meesters, A Moene, REM Neubert, W Peters, CMH Unal, AT Vermeulen | Year: 2012

    Wetenschappelijke publicatie

  5. Analysis of actinic flux profiles measured from an ozone sonde balloon

    P Wang, M Allaart, WH Knap, P Stammes | Status: submitted | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Year: 2014

    Wetenschappelijke publicatie