Validation of ASCAT 12.5-km winds, version 1.1
The Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility (OSI SAF) delivers an operational wind produ...
A Verhoef, A Stoffelen | Year: 2009
Wetenschappelijke publicatie
An ensemble study of extreme North Sea storm surges in a changing climate
The height of storm surges is extremely important for a low-lying country like the Netherlands. B...
A Sterl, H van den Brink, H de Vries, RJ Haarsma, E van Meijgaard | Journal: Ocean Science Disc. | Volume: 6 | Year: 2009 | First page: 1131 | Last page: 1159
Wetenschappelijke publicatie
Estimation of areal precipitation from station records
R Leander, TA Buishand | Year: 2004 | Pages: 0
Wetenschappelijke publicatie
Atmospheric correction for the KNMI Cloud Physical Properties retrieval algorithm
A procedure is described to correct monochromatic reflectances simulated by a radiative transfer ...
JF Meirink, RA Roebeling, P Stammes | Year: 2009 | Pages: 22
Wetenschappelijke publicatie
Extreme rainfall analysis and estimation of depth-duration-frequency curves using weather radar
Rain gauge data are often employed to estimate the rainfall depth for a given return period. Howe...
A Overeem, TA Buishand, I Holleman | Status: published | Journal: Water Resour. Res. | Volume: 45 | Year: 2009 | First page: W10424 | doi: 10.1029/2009WR007869
Wetenschappelijke publicatie