Wanneer | 18 april 2019, aanvang 15:30 |
Waar | Buys Ballotzaal, KNMI |
Speaker: Gert-Jan Marseille, R&D Satellite Observations, KNMI
Aeolus was launched on 22 August 2018. Aeolus is the first European lidar in space and the first global Doppler wind lidar in space. Aeolus is the first observing system giving global coverage of wind profiles, as such reducing a large gap in the current global observing system. It is widely recognised that a new global atmospheric observing system, such as Aeolus, will be beneficial for operational weather prediction. The provision of detailed wind profiles will also benefit scientists involved with climate research, allowing for greater accuracy in the numerical modeling of tropical regions in particular.
The presentation will discuss the need for wind profiles for numerical weather prediction, the measurement technique, the wind products obtained from the satellite data and first results on impact experiments performed with the ECMWF model.
More detailed information can be found on the KNMI Aeolus research webpage:
Dirk van Delft