
KNMI annual report 2012

30 september 2013

2012 had some special evens in store for KNMI. A new supercomputer, a cold wave, an earthquake with a magnitude of 3.6 in Huizinge, opening of the KNMI Data Centre, the forty year anniversary of the KNMI mast at Cabauw. The KNMI annual report 2012 shows a series of events and operations performed by KNMI last year.

For KNMI each month has its own dynamics and notable event. The KNMI annual report 2012 gives an overview of the most important events per month. Besides that the annual report describes also less obvious operations of KNMI which are still very typical for the institute, such as the Damage Project, ballooning weather forecast, risk analyses for infrastructure projects and meteorology lessons for schools.

In her foreword State Secretary for Infrastructure and Environment Wilma Mansveld praises the knowledge and expertise of the KNMI. She mentions that every day again KNMI is serving the Dutch.
Naturally KNMI is also an institute in motion and government cutbacks constrain to make choices. Director General KNMI Frits Brouwer explains in this annual report how KNMI changes and wants to go forward on a vigorous way to a solid future.

Furthermore, the annual report contains the usual overviews of finance, personnel and web statistics.

The KNMI annual report 2012 can be found through the link in the menu. A printed copy can be requested using our contact form.

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