Parallel air temperature measurements at the KNMI observatory in De Bilt (the Netherlands) May 2003 - June 2005
From May 2003 through June 2005 a field experiment has been carried out at the
observatory of KN...
Theo Brandsma | Year: 2011 | Pages: 56
Wetenschappelijke publicatie
On the sea-surface drag and heat/mass transfer at strong winds
A simplified model for the sea surface momentum and enthalpy transfer coefficients are
V. Kudryavtsev, V. Makin, S. Zilitinkevich | Year: 2012 | Pages: 21
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Mean precipitation changes and coastal effects in the ENSEMBLES regional climate model simulations
Climate change values in the KNMI’06 scenarios do not discriminate within the
Netherlands; thus ...
JJ Attema, G Lenderink | Year: 2011 | Pages: 37
Wetenschappelijke publicatie
KNMI’14: Climate Change scenarios for the 21st Century – A Netherlands perspective
This report documents and motivates the KNMI’14 climate change scenarios. It has an intermediate ...
Bart van den Hurk, Peter Siegmund, Albert Klein Tank (Eds) | Year: 2014 | Pages: 110
Wetenschappelijke publicatie
Monitoring induced seismicity in the North of the Netherlands: status report 2010
This report presents an update on the results from monitoring induced seismicity in the North of ...
B Dost, F Goutbeek, T van Eck, D Kraaijpoel | Year: 2012 | Pages: 39
Wetenschappelijke publicatie