'KNMI in international context' has been chosen as the theme for its Annual report 2009. Meteorology does not stop at national borders, nor does climate research, satellite measurements and seismology. International cooperation is necessary for the KNMI to perform its duties as the national institute for weather, climate research and seismology in both a professional and effective way.
The active role of the KNMI in international alliances such as EUMETNET, EUMETSAT, ORFEUS, MET Alliance, ECMWF, and IPCC is addressed in a series of interviews with external partners. These include KNMI as chairman of EUMETNET, the involvement in monitoring the nuclear test ban treaty and the digitization and preservation of international data on climate and seismology.
Besides the interviews on the international field of the KNMI, this annual report contains the usual facts and figures on finance, staff, website and a weather summary. Other important topics for the KNMI in 2009 were the additions to the KNMI'06 climate scenarios, the KNMI Conference, the CINDI measurement campaign, the climate conference in Copenhagen and the Delta Program.
Furthermore, in 2009 several PhDs, awards and grants are awarded to KNMI scientists and many scientific papers were published.
The KNMI annual report can be downloaded with the URL on the right and ordered on paper from our library.
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