
KNMI Annual Report 2011

12 september 2012

All year round KNMI is working for the Netherlands. Measurements, weather and climate modelling, climate advice and data. KNMI's annual report 2011 shows a series of activities and operations performed by our institute last year.

For KNMI each month has its own dynamics. While measurements and data are coming in continuously and weather, climate and seismological research is daily work, also topical matters require attention.

In February 2011 the major ozone depletion above the North Pole was the central point. March was dominated by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan which seriously damaged the nuclear power plant at Fukushima. KNMI produced maps showing the most likely route of the radioactive cloud to assess the level of risk.

In May the extreme drought claimed the attention in the Netherlands. The precipitation amount was very low and action was necessary. This happened again in November, with little rain and much fog. The biggest success in August was the presentation of the Climate Atlas, but also in this month lots of weather alerts for heavy thunderstorms were issued. In September 2011 an earthquake near Goch, Germany, startled the Netherlands.

Besides the topical matters of 2011, in this annual report there is room for reflection and perspective of the scope of the organization. Jan Staman, director of the Rathenau Institute, considers the relationship between science and politics. These worlds work in different ways and that sometimes causes tension. Luc Kohsiek, chairman of water authority Hollands Noorderkwartier, explains how KNMI can be relevant for water authorities. He emphasizes the importance of flood defences, because we live and work in a bathtub.

In addition this annual report consists of the usual overviews of finance, personnel and web statistics.

KNMI’s Annual report can be found via the link in the menu. A printed copy can be requested using our contact form.

KNMI Annual Report 2011: Delivering all year round

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